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Cum poti sa faci dulciuri sanatoase pentru...

Cum poti sa faci dulciuri sanatoase pentru copii daca asta inseamna sa nu folosesti nici faina si nici zahar. Cu ce anume s-ar putea inlocui acestea? La clasicele clatite de ex sau la gogosele umplute cu gem

Si la clatite si gogosele folosim faina si un pic de zahar. Dar avantajul dulciurilor facute in casa este ca noi nu folosim altceva pe langa faina si zahar - coloranti, aditivi, eventual spargem un ou si adaugam un pic de lapte. Faina si zaharul pe care il folosim noi nu este o problema, comparativ cu ce contine o ciocolata ( nu dau marca) - lecitina din soia, sorbitol , etc.
Cateodata imi vine sa zic ca am innebunit - citesc toate etichetele produselor, inainte de a le cumpara ..
Poti sa folosesti faina integrala in loc de faina alba, sau chiar alte tipuri de faina din cereale bio, iar in loc de zahar sa folosesti fructoza, insa iti garantez ca nu vor fi la fel de gustoase :-) . Oricum ar fi, nu poti sa-i feresti la nesfarsit de gustul dulciurilor din comert sau de alti conservanti si aditivi din alte produse, din pacate... asta e
Orice dulce facut in casa e in mod categoric mai bun decat cel din comert chiar daca mai are si putin zahar sau e facut cu faina alba.
Insa se pot face si dulciuri fara zahar si faina, asa cum sunt cele din dieta raw.
Un exemplu pot fi aceste bombonele cu prune si stafide
In alta ordine de idei, Anda, fructoza nu este o optiune sanatoasa pentru a inlocui zaharul! Din contra este mult mai nociva decat acesta.Mai multe informatii despre efectele fructozei gasesti aici
O alternativa mai sanatoasa pentru a inlocui zaharul este stevia rebaudiana.
Oh! and I left out the part for our fellow coutbirntor .. She is from the Ukraine and I would say she is about as perfect as I have ever seen. I have a few select models that are so perfect I cannot choose a winner for #1. I am thinking I might just have found #1
mere coapte unt un deliciu inca de la prima parte a diversificarii pentru bebelusi, mere feliate si coapte pe folie sunt adevarate snacks-uri, la fel banane feliate si uscate. Eu am facut biscuiti de casa impreuna cu fiica mea anul trecut de Craciun si in loc de zahar am folosit o lingura de dulceata facuta de mama...e o varianta pentru a evita zaharul...cantitate mai mica de calorii oricum..iar faina nu am avut cum sa o evit e drept
That takes us up to the next level. Great ponitsg.
OMG this is unbelievable! So as usual I kept tinhking something is going to spoil this. She is just to gorgeous. The panties came of first and I sighed with relief that the flaw did not appear here. The next several pix the bra remained so naturally I started tinhking this must be it. She must had bad beasts but the the bra dropped and my heart jumped and my breath caught in my throat. Once again I had an OMG moment as I gazed at the most perfect set I have ever seen. This girl IS perfect. Not just beautiful, not just gorgeous but PERFECT! And on top of the physical perfection she has a very animated face with fun and awesomely amazing smiles.I can only say this magnificent specimen must be viewed. Words do not work to describe the pure emotional impact of this lovely woman. And the photography is outstanding. The stark white background highlights this beauty's natural colors and really make the model the entire focus of every shot. The photos are perfectly crisp and well focused. The lighting is spot on and gives the wide angle shots an ethereal feel like she is a dream goddess. Am I smitten? Have a look and you will know why! This shoot is currently sitting at 9.80 one of the highest ratings I have seen and I am not in any way surprised. [url=]zumbajyw[/url] [link=]eauzimmo[/link]
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